性别:男 学位:博士 职称:副教授,硕导 系部:城市建设系(宣城) 邮箱:wfhuang@hfut.edu.cn 主页:/ 方向:结构风振响应分析、风灾危险性分析 招生:欢迎有土木工程、动力气象学、流体力学等专业背景,踏实上进,愿意为科研工作付出艰苦努力的同学加入。 | |
个人简介长期致力于桥梁、输电塔及结构的抗风防灾、工程力学等领域的教学与科研工作,主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金、中国博士后面上及特等资助项目10余项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、Hong Kong Research Grants Council Program、Hong Kong Niche Area Program等项目多项,作为主要成员参与企业委托项目多项。先后在Wind and Structures、Engineering Structures等国际及国内学术期刊发表论文40余篇,SCI收录11篇。 教育背景2001/09–2005/06,烟台大学,土木工程,学士 2005/09–2007/07,哈尔滨工业大学,结构工程,硕士 2007/09–2012/03,哈尔滨工业大学,结构工程,博士 工作经历2013/06–2017/12,suncitygroup太阳新城客户端,博士后 2012/07–2014/11,suncitygroup太阳新城客户端,suncitygroup太阳新城客户端,讲师 2014/12–至 今,suncitygroup太阳新城客户端,suncitygroup太阳新城客户端,副教授 | |
科研项目[1] 中国博士后科学基金第八批特别资助,基于Monte Carlo 模拟及MCP 法的台风极值风速预测,2015T80652,2015/03-2016/12,主持; [2]国家自然科学基金项目,台风多发地区考虑复杂地形影响的建筑结构设计风速预测研究,51408174,2015/01-2017/12,主持; [3]安徽省自然科学青年基金项目,复杂地形台风数值模拟及其作用下大跨度桥梁非平稳抖振时域分析,1408085QE95,2014/07-2016/06,主持; [4]中国博士后科学基金第54批面上项目(一等资助),台风易发地区复杂地形下大跨度桥梁非平稳抖振时域分析,2013M540511,2013/06-2015/05,主持; 获得奖励[1] 中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖,2019。 [2] 入选2018年度中国博士后科学基金资助者选介(全国100名),2019。 [3] 第八届安徽省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,2016; 代表成果[1] Jianpeng Sun, Jiaju Zhang, Wenfeng Huang, Li Zhu, Yintao Liu, Jingwei Yang, Investigation and finite element simulation analysis on collapse accident of Heyuan Dongjiang Bridge, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 115: 104655. [2] Huang Wen-feng, Liu Da-wei, Shao Meng-kai, Stochastic simulation of tropical cyclone tracks in the Northwest pacific region with classification model, Tropical Meteorology, 2020, 26(1): 47-56. [3] Huang W.F., Zhang X.B., Wind field simulation over complex terrain under different inflow wind directions. Wind and Structures, 2019, 28(4), 239-253. [4] Huang W.F., Sun J.P., Prediction of typhoon design wind speed with cholesky decomposition method. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 2018, 27(11), e1480. [5] W.F. Huang, K.Q. Zou, Non-stationary Buffeting Response Analysis of Long Span Suspension Bridge under Strong Wind Loading, Harbin institute of technology university, 2016, 23(6), 9-16. [6] W.F. Huang, H.L. Zhou, A hybrid numerical simulation method for typhoon wind field over complex terrain, Wind and Structures, 2014, 18(5), 549-566. [7] L. Hu, Y.L. Xu, W.F. Huang, Typhoon-induced non-stationary buffeting response of long-span bridges in complex terrain, Engineering Structures, 2013, 57, 406-415. [8] W.F. Huang, Y.L. Xu, Prediction of typhoon design wind speed and profile over complex terrain, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2013, 45(1), 1-18. [9] W.F. Huang, Y.L. Xu, A refined model for typhoon wind field simulation in boundary layer, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2012, 15(1), 77-89. [10] W.F. Huang, Y.L. Xu*, C.W. Li, H.J. Liu, Prediction of design typhoon wind speeds and profiles using refined typhoon wind field model, Advanced Steel Construction, 2011, 7(4), 387-402. [11] Hu L., Xu Y L, Huang W F, Liu H J, Typhoon-Induced Nonstationary Buffeting Response of Long-Span Bridges, Dynamics for Sustainable Engineering: 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference (APVC) on Dynamics for Sustainable Engineering, 2011, Vol 1:173-182. |
联系方式 学院地址:合肥市屯溪路193号 联系电话:0551-62902066 院长信箱:civil@hfut.edu.cn