性别:男 学位:博士 职称:教授,博导 系部:工程力学系 邮箱:zhigenwu@hfut.edu.cn 主页:/ 方向:复合材料力学,软物质力学,工程问题的数值方法 招生:固体力学,每年招生1-2名,从事软物质和复合材料的力学行为研究;工程力学,每年招生1-2名,从事工程结构的强度分析。欢迎具有力学、土木、机械等专业背景的同学报考硕士生和博士生,同时也欢迎相关专业的本科生加盟研究团队参与研究或做大学生创新计划等项目。 | |
个人简介从事工程力学、材料力学、弹性力学和连续介质力学的教学。研究方向包括软物质力学、复合材料力学和工程问题的数值方法。主持和参与国家自然科学基金多项,主持参与其他研究项目多项。发表论文30余篇,主编教材1本。获得安徽省优秀教学成果二等奖1项。现任安徽省力学学会常务理事兼副秘书长,大学生力学竞赛组委会副秘书长。 教育背景1981/09–1984/07,芜湖师范学校,普师 1987/09–1989/07,芜湖教育学院,物理系 1994/09–1997/07,西安科技大学,工程力学,硕士 2003/09–2009/06,suncitygroup太阳新城客户端,工程力学,博士 工作经历1984/07–1994/08,和平中学,教师 1997/07–2007/11,suncitygroup太阳新城客户端,应用数学与力学系,助教、讲师 2007/12–至 今,suncitygroup太阳新城客户端,suncitygroup太阳新城客户端,副教授、教授 2010/09–2011/08,美国德克萨斯大学,航空航天工程与工程力学系,访问学者 | |
科研项目[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,梯度软物质结构表面失稳的理论研究与形貌演变过程的动理学分析,11572108,2016/01–2019/12,主持; [2] suncitygroup太阳新城客户端博士基金,正交异性双材料界面问题应力奇异性的进一步研究,4115103001,2010/03–2012/03,主持; [3] 安徽省自然科学基金项目,提高土木结构中加固修补力学性能的理论与方法研究,090414157,2009/01–2011/12,参与。 获得奖励[1] 获得奖励情况安徽省教学成果二等奖1项; [2] 第十届全国周培源大学生力学竞赛优秀指导教师奖。 代表成果[1] Lidan Han,Chunxiao Zhan,Yihua Liu,Zhigen Wu, 2017. A state space solution for onset of surface instability of elastic cylinders with radially graded Young's modulus. International Journal of Solids and Structures 126-127, 8–16. [2] Zhigen Wu, Nikolaos Bouklas, Yihua Liu, Rui Huang, 2017. Onset of swell-induced surface instability of hydrogel layers with depth-wise graded material properties. Mechanics of Materials 105, 138–147. [3] Zhigen Wu, JixiangMeng, Yihua Liu, Hao Li, Rui Huang, 2014. A state space method for surface instability of elastic layers with material properties varying in thickness direction. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 81, 081003. [4] Zhigen Wu, Nikolaos Bouklas, Rui Huang, 2013. Swell-induced surface instability of hydrogel layers with material properties varying in thickness direction. International Journal of Solids and Structures 50, 578–587. [5] Zhigen Wu, Rui Huang, Yihua Liu, Hao Li, 2013. Analytical solution of swell-induced surface instability for graded hydrogel layers.: 13th International Conference on Fracture, Peking, 6: 4449–4457. [6] Zhigen Wu, Yihua Liu. Singular stress field near interface edge in orthotropic /isotropic bi-materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010, 47(17), 2328–2335. [7] Yihua Liu, Zhigen Wu, Yongcheng Liang, Xiaomei Liu. Numerical methods for determination of stress intensity factors of singular stress field. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 75(16): 4793–4803. [8] Zhigen Wu*, Yihua Liu, Chunxiao Zhan, Meiqin Wang. Analytical solution for a concentrated force on the free surface of a coated material. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2010, 5(6): 875–886. [9] Zhigen Wu, Yihua Liu. Asymptotic fields near an interface corner in orthotropic bi-materials. International Journal of Fracture, 2009, 156(1): 37–51. [10] Zhigen Wu, Yihua Liu. Analytical solution for the singular stress distribution due to V-notch in an orthotropic plate material. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2008, 75(8), 2367–2384. |
联系方式 学院地址:合肥市屯溪路193号 联系电话:0551-62902066 院长信箱:civil@hfut.edu.cn